Welcome to
Sistema Informativo
Agricolo Nazionale
Access the private area of SIAN
The second level SPID credentials allow qualified users to access SIAN's online services for consultation/management of the associated services.
The Electronic Identity Card (CIE) is the italian citizens identity document emmitted by Ministero
dell'Interno that allows the authentication to online services through contactless readers or tablet
and smartphone equipped of NFC interface (Near Field Communication).

Authenticate using one of these methods:
  • "Desktop"
  • "Mobile"
  • "Desktop with smartphone"
The Tessera Sanitaria - National Card of Services (TS-CNS) is emitted by Agenzia delle Entrate,
which produces and distributes the card.
In order to utilize it as National Card of Services (CNS), it is necessary to go to the Region of residence
office, where a package with the Personal Identification Number (PIN) is released for its use as CNS.

Read more about: Sistema Tessera Sanitaria - TS-CNS access mode (finanze.it)
Logging in with SIAN credentials is allowed to:
Institutional Users: Administrations users, Institutions and entities operating in the agricultural, agroindustrial,
forestry and fisheries sectors, that utilize SIAN services.
Foreign Users: for foreign citizens.
If you are an INSTITUTIONAL USER and have forgotten your password, you can ask for it to be restored by sending the ZGA-X-L3-003 form through the link
If you are a FOREIGN USER and have forgotten your password, you can proceed with the recovery through the link
Unauthorized access to this system is prohibited. prohibited. Violators are liable to prosecution under current legislation and will be held responsible for any damage caused.